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Оригинальный пакет сборки сервера Perfect World версии 1.3.1
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use IO::File;
use XML::DOM;
my $network_root = 'network';
my $cricket_root = 'cricket';
my $game_root = 'game';
my $install_root = 'install';
my $release_name = 'world2';
if( @ARGV < 2 and not (@ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] eq '--gameinstall') )
print "usage: package xmlfile [network|cricket|game|gamerpm|all|clean|install|gameinstall]\n";
my $relative_path = $ENV{'_'};
$relative_path =~ s/\/package$//g;
my $absolute_path = qx/\/bin\/pwd/;
$absolute_path =~ s/[\r\n]//g;
print "package path: $absolute_path \n";
if( $ARGV[0] eq '--gameinstall' )
{ parse( determinexmlfile(), 'gameinstall' ); }
{ parse( $ARGV[0], $ARGV[1] ); }
sub determinexmlfile
my ($name,$aliases,$addrtype,$length,@addrs) = gethostbyname( 'link1' );
my ($a,$b,$c,$d) = unpack('C4',$addrs[0]);
my $ip_xml_conf_file;
my $path;
if( -f '../config/ip_xml.conf' )
$ip_xml_conf_file = "../config/ip_xml.conf";
$path = '../config/';
elsif( -f './config/ip_xml.conf' )
$ip_xml_conf_file = "./config/ip_xml.conf";
$path = './config/';
my $conffile = new FileHandle;
if( $conffile->open( "<$ip_xml_conf_file" ) )
my $line;
while( $line = $conffile->getline() )
next if( $line =~ m/^#.*/g );
my @ip_xml = ( $line =~ /([\w.]+)\s+([\w.]+)/g );
next if( 2 != @ip_xml );
my $ip = $ip_xml[0];
my $xml = $ip_xml[1];
chomp $ip;
chomp $xml;
return $path . $xml if $ip eq "$a.$b.$c.$d";
print "error: link1 ip is $a.$b.$c.$d, not matched, please check it.\n.";
sub parse
my ($xmlfile, $action) = @_;
$action = "" if not defined $action;
system( "/bin/cp -f $xmlfile /etc/" );
$release_name = $xmlfile;
$release_name =~ s/\.xml//g;
$release_name =~ s/.*\///g;
$release_name = 'world2' if not $release_name;
$install_root = $release_name;
print "Begin to do $action with $xmlfile.\n";
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $doc = $parser->parsefile( $xmlfile );
my $configure = $doc->getElementsByTagName('configure')->item(0);
my $network = $configure->getElementsByTagName('network')->item(0);
my $cricket = $configure->getElementsByTagName('cricket')->item(0);
my $game = $configure->getElementsByTagName('game')->item(0);
if( $action eq 'network' )
elsif( $action eq 'cricket' )
config_cricket($cricket, $network);
elsif( $action eq 'game' )
do_game($game, $network);
elsif( $action eq 'gamerpm' )
do_game($game, $network);
elsif( $action eq 'all' )
config_cricket($cricket, $network);
do_game($game, $network);
elsif( $action eq 'clean' )
system( "rm -rf $network_root $cricket_root $game_root $install_root" );
elsif( $action eq 'install' )
system( "rm -rf $network_root $cricket_root $game_root $install_root" );
config_cricket($cricket, $network);
elsif( $action eq 'gameinstall' )
system( "rm -rf $network_root $cricket_root $game_root $install_root" );
system( "/bin/cp -f srcfiles/scripts/startlogs.sh /root/bin/" );
do_game($game, $network);
print "usage: package xmlfile [network|cricket|game|gamerpm|all|clean|install|gameinstall]\n";
if( $action ne 'clean' )
my $file_shutdown = new IO::File("./$install_root/shutdown.sh", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
my $file_clean = new IO::File("./$install_root/clean.sh", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
my $file_install = new IO::File("./$install_root/install.sh", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
my ($version, $release);
$version = $game->getAttribute('version') if $game;
$release = $game->getAttribute('release') if $game;
if( -f "./$install_root/$release_name-network.tar.gz" )
$file_install->print( "tar xvzf $release_name-network.tar.gz -C /\n" );
if( -f "./$install_root/$release_name-cricket.tar.gz" )
$file_install->print( "tar xvzf $release_name-cricket.tar.gz -C /home/\n" );
$file_install->print( "su -l cricket -c /home/cricket/cricket/compile\n" );
if( $game and -f "./$install_root/$release_name-$version-$release.tar.gz" )
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/killall -USR1 servicerun\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/bin/sleep 1\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/killall -9 servicerun\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/servicerun --graceful\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/bin/sleep 60\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/killall -9 startlogs.sh\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/killall -USR1 logservice\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/bin/sleep 1\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/killall -9 logservice\n" );
if( -d "srcfiles/gamedbd" )
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/rsh database /bin/touch /tmp/.quitgamedbd\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/bin/sleep 80\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/rsh database /usr/bin/killall -w -9 gamedbd\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/bin/sleep 1\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/rsh database /bin/rm -f /tmp/.quitgamedbd\n" );
if( -d "srcfiles/uniquenamed" )
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/rsh backup /usr/bin/killall -USR1 uniquenamed\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/bin/sleep 1\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/bin/killall -9 servicerun\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/rshrun --loadall /usr/bin/killall -9 loader\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/rshrun --loadall /usr/bin/killall -9 gs\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/rshrun --loadall /usr/bin/killall -9 gs2\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/rshrun --loadall /usr/bin/killall -9 glinkd\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/rshrun --loadall /usr/bin/killall -9 gdeliveryd\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/rshrun --loadall /usr/bin/killall -9 gfactiond\n" );
$file_shutdown->print( "/usr/sbin/rshrun --loadall /usr/bin/killall -9 gacd\n" );
for( my $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $hostname = $hosts->item($i)->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
my $mount = $hosts->item($i)->getAttribute('mount');
my $group = $hosts->item($i)->getAttribute('group');
$file_clean->print( "/bin/rm -rf $mount/root/gamed\n" ) if $group eq 'game';
$file_clean->print( "/bin/rm -rf $mount/root/gamed/core.*\n" ) if $group eq 'game';
$file_clean->print( "/bin/rm -rf $mount/root/gamed/task_log.*\n" ) if $group eq 'game';
$file_install->print( "\nrm -rf /export/gamedfiles/\n" );
$file_install->print( "tar xvzf $release_name-$version-$release.tar.gz -C /\n" );
for( my $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $mount = $hosts->item($i)->getAttribute('mount');
next if $hosts->item($i)->getAttribute('group') ne 'game';
$file_install->print( "cp -rf /export/gamedfiles/* $mount/root/\n" );
$file_install->print( "/bin/ln -s /root/gamed/libskill.so $mount/lib/libskill.so\n" );
$file_install->print( "rm -rf /export/gamedfiles/\n" );
$file_install->print( "\nkillall -9 servicerun\n" );
$file_install->print( "killall -9 startlogs.sh\n" );
$file_install->print( "killall -9 logservice\n" );
if( -f "srcfiles/conf/syslog.conf" )
{ $file_install->print( "/sbin/service syslog restart\n" ); }
if( -f "srcfiles/conf/snmpd.conf" )
{ $file_install->print( "/sbin/service snmpd restart\n" ); }
$file_install->print( "/root/bin/startlogs.sh &\n" );
if( -d "srcfiles/tomcat" )
$file_shutdown->print("/bin/rm -rf /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/cricket\n") if( -d "srcfiles/tomcat/cricket" );
$file_shutdown->print("/bin/rm -rf /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/work/*\n") if( -d "srcfiles/tomcat/cricket" );
$file_install->print("JAVA_HOME=\"/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_10\" /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin/shutdown.sh\n");
$file_install->print("/bin/sleep 1\n");
$file_install->print("/usr/bin/killall -9 java\n");
$file_install->print("/bin/sleep 1\n");
$file_install->print("/bin/rm -rf /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/iweb.war\n");
$file_install->print("/bin/sleep 1\n");
$file_install->print("JAVA_HOME=\"/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_10\" PATH=\$PATH:/usr/bin/ /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/bin/startup.sh\n");
$file_install->print("/usr/bin/crontab -u cricket /var/spool/cron/cricket\n");
$file_install->print("/usr/bin/crontab -u root /var/spool/cron/root\n");
system( "/bin/chmod +x ./$install_root/shutdown.sh" );
system( "/bin/chmod +x ./$install_root/clean.sh" );
system( "/bin/chmod +x ./$install_root/install.sh" );
my $file_redist = new IO::File("./$install_root/redist.sh", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
$file_redist->print("$absolute_path/package --gameinstall >/var/log/package.log 2>&1\n");
system( "/bin/chmod +x ./$install_root/redist.sh" );
system( "/bin/cp -p ./ipdisable.sh /root/bin/" );
system( "/bin/cp -p ./tools/ipenable.sh /root/bin/" );
system( "/bin/cp -p ./tools/upgradetomcat.sh /root/bin/" );
system( "/bin/cp -p ./$install_root/redist.sh /root/bin/" );
if( $action eq 'install' )
chdir( "$install_root" );
system( "./install.sh" );
print "install finished!\n";
chdir( ".." );
system( "rm -rf $network_root $cricket_root $game_root $install_root" );
elsif( $action eq 'gameinstall' )
chdir( "$install_root" );
system( "../ipdisable.sh" );
system( "./shutdown.sh" );
system( "./clean.sh" );
system( "./install.sh" );
print "install finished! starting game...\n";
chdir( ".." );
if( -d "srcfiles/gamedbd" )
if( 0 == fork() )
exec( "/usr/bin/rsh database 'cd /root/gamedbd;/root/gamedbd/gamedbd /root/gamedbd/gamesys.conf' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" );
if( $game->getAttribute('uniquenamed') and -d "srcfiles/uniquenamed" )
if( $release_name eq 'test' )
if( 0 == fork() )
exec( "/usr/bin/rsh database 'cd /root/uniquenamed;/root/uniquenamed/uniquenamed /root/uniquenamed/gamesys.conf' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" );
if( 0 == fork() )
exec( "/usr/bin/rsh backup 'cd /root/uniquenamed;/root/uniquenamed/uniquenamed /root/uniquenamed/gamesys.conf' >/dev/null 2>&1 &" );
system( "/usr/sbin/servicerun --start" );
system( "/bin/sleep 30" );
system( "/usr/bin/killall -9 servicerun" );
# if( $release_name eq 'shanghai2' )
# { system("$absolute_path/tools/cleave_sh2.sh"); }
# elsif( $release_name eq 'shijiazhuang4' )
# { system("$absolute_path/tools/cleave_sjz4.sh"); }
chdir( "$install_root" );
chdir( ".." );
system( "./ipenable.sh" );
system( "rm -rf $network_root $cricket_root $game_root $install_root" );
sub determine_ipaddr
my ($network, $host) = @_;
my $subnet = $network->getAttribute('subnet');
my $name = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
my $group = $host->getAttribute('group');
my $number = $name;
$number =~ s/$group//g;
$number = 1 if( not $number );
$subnet =~ s/\.0$/\./g;
return $subnet . $number if( $group eq 'link' );
return $subnet . '1' . $number if( $group eq 'game' );
return $subnet . '21' if( $group eq 'delivery' );
return $subnet . '31' if( $group eq 'database' );
return $subnet . '32' if( $group eq 'backup' );
return $subnet . '254' if( $name eq 'manager' );
return undef;
sub determine_bmcipaddr
my ($ipaddr) = @_;
my @a = split( /\./, $ipaddr );
$ipaddr = $a[0] . "\." . $a[1] . "\." . $a[2];
if( length($a[3]) == 1 )
{ $ipaddr .= "\.10" . $a[3]; }
{ $ipaddr .= "\.1" . $a[3]; }
return $ipaddr;
sub print_ifcfg_element
my ($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, $attr, $eth0default, $eth1default) = @_;
my $value = $ifcfg->getAttribute($attr);
$value = $eth0default->getAttribute($attr) if length($value) == 0 and $DEVICE eq 'eth0';
$value = $eth1default->getAttribute($attr) if length($value) == 0 and $DEVICE eq 'eth1';
$value = $eth1default->getAttribute($attr) if length($value) == 0 and $DEVICE eq 'eth1-range0' and $attr eq 'NETMASK';
if( 'HWADDR' eq $attr )
$file_ifcfg->print( "$attr=" . uc($value) . "\n" ) if length($value) > 0;
$file_ifcfg->print( "$attr=$value\n" ) if length($value) > 0;
return $value;
sub get_eth0_ip
my ($network, $host, $eth0default) = @_;
my $ip;
my $ifcfgs = $host->getElementsByTagName("ifcfg");
for( my $j = 0; $j < $ifcfgs->getLength; $j ++ )
my $ifcfg = $ifcfgs->item($j);
if( $ifcfg->getAttribute('DEVICE') eq 'eth0' )
$ip = $ifcfg->getAttribute('IPADDR');
$ip = $eth0default->getAttribute('IPADDR') if not $ip;
$ip = determine_ipaddr($network, $host) if not $ip;
return $ip;
return undef;
sub get_host_mount
my ($hosts, $hostname) = @_;
for( my $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength(); $i ++ )
return $hosts->item($i)->getAttribute('mount') if($hostname eq $hosts->item($i)->getAttribute('HOSTNAME'));
return undef;
sub config_dhcpd
my $network = shift;
mkdir( "./$network_root" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/etc" );
my $dhcp = $network->getElementsByTagName("dhcp")->item(0);
my $dhcp_net = $network->getElementsByTagName("dhcp-net")->item(0);
my $dhcp_group = $network->getElementsByTagName("dhcp-group")->item(0);
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
my $file_dhcpd = new IO::File("./$network_root/etc/dhcpd.conf", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
my ($attr, $ddns_update_style, $default_lease_time, $max_lease_time);
my ($net_subnet, $net_netmask, $net_routers, $net_subnet_mask, $net_domain_name_servers, $net_ntp_servers, $net_netbios_name_servers, $net_filename, $net_next_server);
my ($group_default_lease_time, $group_use_host_decl_names, $group_filename, $group_next_server);
$attr = $dhcp->getAttribute('attr') if $dhcp;
$attr = 'authoritative' if not $attr;
$ddns_update_style = $dhcp->getAttribute('ddns-update-style') if $dhcp;
$ddns_update_style = 'none' if not $ddns_update_style;
$default_lease_time = $dhcp->getAttribute('default-lease-time') if $dhcp;
$default_lease_time = '21600' if not $default_lease_time;
$max_lease_time = $dhcp->getAttribute('max-lease-time') if $dhcp;
$max_lease_time = '43200' if not $max_lease_time;
$net_subnet = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('subnet') if $dhcp_net;
$net_subnet = $network->getAttribute('subnet') if not $net_subnet;
$net_netmask = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('netmask') if $dhcp_net;
$net_netmask = '' if not $net_netmask;
$net_routers = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('routers') if $dhcp_net;
$net_routers = $network->getAttribute('manager') if not $net_routers;
$net_subnet_mask = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('subnet-mask') if $dhcp_net;
$net_subnet_mask = '' if not $net_subnet_mask;
$net_domain_name_servers = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('domain-name-servers') if $dhcp_net;
$net_domain_name_servers = $network->getAttribute('manager') if not $net_domain_name_servers;
$net_ntp_servers = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('ntp-servers') if $dhcp_net;
$net_ntp_servers = $network->getAttribute('manager') if not $net_ntp_servers;
$net_netbios_name_servers = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('netbios-name-servers') if $dhcp_net;
$net_netbios_name_servers = $network->getAttribute('manager') if not $net_netbios_name_servers;
$net_filename = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('filename') if $dhcp_net;
$net_filename = "linux/pxelinux.0" if not $net_filename;
$net_next_server = $dhcp_net->getAttribute('next-server') if $dhcp_net;
$net_next_server = $network->getAttribute('manager') if not $net_next_server;
$group_default_lease_time = $dhcp_group->getAttribute('default-lease-time') if $dhcp_group;
$group_default_lease_time = '-1' if not $group_default_lease_time;
$group_use_host_decl_names = $dhcp_group->getAttribute('use-host-decl-names') if $dhcp_group;
$group_use_host_decl_names = 'on' if not $group_use_host_decl_names;
$group_filename = $dhcp_group->getAttribute('filename') if $dhcp_group;
$group_filename = "linux/pxelinux.0" if not $group_filename;
$group_next_server = $dhcp_group->getAttribute('next-server') if $dhcp_group;
$group_next_server = $network->getAttribute('manager') if not $group_next_server;
# /etc/dhcpd.conf
ddns-update-style $ddns_update_style;
default-lease-time $default_lease_time;
max-lease-time $max_lease_time;
subnet $net_subnet netmask $net_netmask {
option routers $net_routers;
option subnet-mask $net_subnet_mask;
option domain-name-servers $net_domain_name_servers;
option ntp-servers $net_ntp_servers;
option netbios-name-servers $net_netbios_name_servers;
filename "$net_filename";
next-server $net_next_server;
default-lease-time $group_default_lease_time;
use-host-decl-names $group_use_host_decl_names;
filename "$group_filename";
next-server $group_next_server;
for( my $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my ($eth0_hwaddr, $eth0_ip, $BMC_hwaddr, $BMC_ip);
my $ifcfgs = $host->getElementsByTagName("ifcfg");
for( my $j = 0; $j < $ifcfgs->getLength; $j ++ )
my $ifcfg = $ifcfgs->item($j);
my $DEVICE = $ifcfg->getAttribute('DEVICE');
$BMC_hwaddr = lc($ifcfg->getAttribute('HWADDR')) if( $DEVICE eq 'BMC' );
$BMC_ip = $ifcfg->getAttribute('IPADDR') if( $DEVICE eq 'BMC' );
$eth0_hwaddr = lc($ifcfg->getAttribute('HWADDR')) if $DEVICE eq 'eth0';
$eth0_ip = $ifcfg->getAttribute('IPADDR') if $DEVICE eq 'eth0';
$eth0_ip = determine_ipaddr( $network, $host ) if( not $eth0_ip );
$BMC_ip = determine_bmcipaddr( $eth0_ip ) if( not $BMC_ip );
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
$file_dhcpd->print(" host $hostname { hardware ethernet $eth0_hwaddr; fixed-address $eth0_ip; }\n");
$file_dhcpd->print(" #host $hostname".'BMC'." { hardware ethernet $BMC_hwaddr; fixed-address $BMC_ip; }\n") if( $BMC_hwaddr );
sub config_ppp
my $network = shift;
mkdir( "./$network_root" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/etc" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/etc/ppp" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/etc/ppp/peers" );
my $ppp = $network->getElementsByTagName("ppp")->item(0);
my $client = $ppp->getAttribute('client');
my $secret = $ppp->getAttribute('secret');
my $file_chap_secrets = new IO::File("./$network_root/etc/ppp/chap-secrets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
# Secrets for authentication using CHAP
# client server secret IP addresses
$client * $secret *
my $file_ppp0 = new IO::File("./$network_root/etc/ppp/peers/ppp0", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
pty "pptp --nolaunchpppd"
name $client
remotename route
mppe required
maxfail 0
file /etc/ppp/options.pptp
sub config_iptables
my $network = shift;
mkdir( "./$network_root" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/etc" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/export" );
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
my $iptableses = $network->getElementsByTagName("iptables");
# /etc/sysconfig/iptables
for( my $l = 0; $l < $iptableses->getLength; $l ++ )
my $iptables = $iptableses->item($l);
my $hostmount = get_host_mount($hosts,$iptables->getAttribute('host'));
next if not $hostmount;
my $hostroot = "./$network_root/" . $hostmount;
mkdir( "$hostroot" );
mkdir( "$hostroot/etc" );
mkdir( "$hostroot/etc/sysconfig" );
my $file_iptables = new IO::File("$hostroot/etc/sysconfig/iptables", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
$file_iptables->print( "# Generated by iptables-save v1.2.9 on Mon Jun 6 21:24:39 2005\n" );
my $content = $iptables->getAttribute('content');
$content =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$content =~ s/\n\s+/\n/g;
$content =~ s/^\s+//g;
$file_iptables->print( $content );
$file_iptables->print( "\n# Completed on Mon Jun 6 21:24:39 2005\n" );
sub config_ifcfgs
my $network = shift;
mkdir( "./$network_root" );
mkdir( "./root/etc" );
mkdir( "./root/export" );
my $eth0default = $network->getElementsByTagName("eth0default")->item(0);
my $eth1default = $network->getElementsByTagName("eth1default")->item(0);
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
for( my $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostroot = "./$network_root/" . $host->getAttribute('mount');
mkdir( $hostroot );
mkdir( "$hostroot/etc" );
mkdir( "$hostroot/etc/sysconfig" );
mkdir( "$hostroot/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" );
# /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XXXX
my ($eth0_hwaddr, $eth0_ip);
my $ifcfgs = $host->getElementsByTagName("ifcfg");
for( my $j = 0; $j < $ifcfgs->getLength; $j ++ )
my $content = "";
my $ifcfg = $ifcfgs->item($j);
my $DEVICE = $ifcfg->getAttribute('DEVICE');
my $file_ifcfg = new IO::File("$hostroot/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-".$ifcfg->getAttribute('DEVICE'), O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
$file_ifcfg->print( "DEVICE=$DEVICE\n" ) if $DEVICE and not $DEVICE =~ m/range/;
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'ONBOOT', $eth0default, $eth1default);
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'BOOTPROTO', $eth0default, $eth1default);
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'DEFROUTE', $eth0default, $eth1default);
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'DEMAND', $eth0default, $eth1default);
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'HARDFLOWCTL', $eth0default, $eth1default);
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'ESCAPECHARS', $eth0default, $eth1default);
my $HWADDR=print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'HWADDR', $eth0default, $eth1default);
$eth0_hwaddr = lc($HWADDR) if $DEVICE eq 'eth0';
if( $DEVICE eq 'eth0' )
$eth0_ip = $ifcfg->getAttribute('IPADDR');
$eth0_ip = determine_ipaddr( $network, $host ) if( not $eth0_ip );
$ifcfg->setAttribute('IPADDR', $eth0_ip);
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'IPADDR', $eth0default, $eth1default);
print_ifcfg_element( $file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'NETMASK', $eth0default, $eth1default );
print_ifcfg_element( $file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, 'TYPE', $eth0default, $eth1default );
my $attrs = $ifcfg->getAttributes();
for( my $m = 0; $m < $attrs->getLength; $m ++ )
my $attr = $attrs->item($m);
my $attrname = $attr->getName();
next if( $attrname eq 'DEVICE' or $attrname eq 'ONBOOT' or $attrname eq 'BOOTPROTO' or $attrname eq 'DEFROUTE' or $attrname eq 'DEMAND' or $attrname eq 'HARDFLOWCTL' or $attrname eq 'ESCAPECHARS' or $attrname eq 'HWADDR' or $attrname eq 'IPADDR' or $attrname eq 'NETMASK' or $attrname eq 'TYPE' );
print_ifcfg_element($file_ifcfg, $ifcfg, $DEVICE, $attrname, $eth0default, $eth1default);
if( $DEVICE eq 'eth1' and $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME') ne 'manager' )
my $file_route = new IO::File("$hostroot/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/route-eth1", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
$file_route->print( " via ".$network->getAttribute('manager')."\n" );
$file_route->print( " via ".$network->getAttribute('manager')."\n" );
if( $DEVICE eq 'eth0' and lc($ifcfg->getAttribute('ONBOOT')) ne 'yes'
and lc($eth0default->getAttribute('ONBOOT')) ne 'yes' )
unlink "$hostroot/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0";
# /etc/hosts
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
my $alias = $host->getAttribute('alias');
my $file_hosts = new IO::File("$hostroot/etc/hosts", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
$file_hosts->print("# Do not remove the following line, or various programs\n");
$file_hosts->print("# that require network functionality will fail.\n");
$file_hosts->print("\t\t\t$hostname $alias localhost.localdomain localhost\n\n");
for( my $k = 0; $k < $hosts->getLength; $k ++ )
$file_hosts->print( get_eth0_ip( $network, $hosts->item($k), $eth0default ) . "\t\t\t" . $hosts->item($k)->getAttribute('HOSTNAME') . "\n" );
# /etc/sysconfig/network
my $file_network = new IO::File("$hostroot/etc/sysconfig/network", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
$file_network->print('NOZEROCONF='.$host->getAttribute('NOZEROCONF')."\n") if($host->getAttribute('NOZEROCONF'));
$file_network->print("HOSTNAME=$hostname\n") if($host->getAttribute('NOZEROCONF'));
$file_network->print('GATEWAY='.$host->getAttribute('GATEWAY')."\n") if($host->getAttribute('GATEWAY'));
# /tftpboot/linux/pxelinux.cfg
if( $host->getAttribute('kernel') )
my $filename_pxelinux = '01:' . $eth0_hwaddr;
$filename_pxelinux =~ s/:/-/g;
mkdir( "./$network_root/tftpboot" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/tftpboot/linux" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/tftpboot/linux/pxelinux.cfg" );
my $file_pxelinux = new IO::File("./$network_root/tftpboot/linux/pxelinux.cfg/$filename_pxelinux", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
my $kernel = $host->getAttribute('kernel');
my $nfsroot = $network->getAttribute('manager');
my $mount = $host->getAttribute('mount');
default linux
timeout 5
prompt 1
label linux
kernel $kernel
append root=/dev/nfs nfsroot=$nfsroot:$mount ip=dhcp
sub config_exports
my $network = shift;
mkdir( "./$network_root" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/etc" );
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
my $subnet = $network->getAttribute('subnet');
my $file_exports = new IO::File("./$network_root/etc/exports", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
for( my $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $mount = $host->getAttribute('mount');
my $mountmode = $host->getAttribute('mountmode');
$file_exports->print("$mount $subnet/24(insecure,$mountmode,async,no_root_squash,no_all_squash)\n") if( length($mountmode) > 0 );
sub config_rshrun
my $network = shift;
mkdir( "./$network_root" );
mkdir( "./$network_root/etc" );
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
my $subnet = $network->getAttribute('subnet');
my $file_rshrun = new IO::File("./$network_root/etc/rshrun.conf", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
for( my $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
my $group = $host->getAttribute('group');
$file_rshrun->print("$hostname\t\t$group\n") if( length($group) > 0 );
sub config_network
my $network = shift;
system( "rm -rf ./$network_root" );
mkdir( "./$network_root" );
config_dhcpd( $network );
#config_ppp( $network );
config_iptables( $network );
config_ifcfgs( $network );
config_exports( $network );
config_rshrun( $network );
my $mkdirs = $network->getElementsByTagName('mkdir');
do_mkdirs($mkdirs, $network_root) if $mkdirs;
my $files = $network->getElementsByTagName('file');
do_copyfile( $files, $network, $network_root ) if $files;
my $replaces = $network->getElementsByTagName('replace');
do_replacefile( $replaces, $network_root ) if $replaces;
mkdir( "./$install_root" );
system( "chown root.root -R ./$network_root" );
chdir( "./$network_root" );
system( "tar cvzf ../$install_root/$release_name-network.tar.gz ." );
chdir( ".." );
sub config_cricket
my ($cricket, $network) = @_;
system( "rm -rf ./$cricket_root" );
mkdir( "./$cricket_root" );
my $srcfile = $cricket->getAttribute('src');
system( "tar xzf $srcfile -C ./$cricket_root" );
my $i;
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
my $cricket_network = $cricket->getElementsByTagName("cricket-network")->item(0);
my $cricket_protocol = $cricket->getElementsByTagName("cricket-protocol")->item(0);
my $cricket_system_if = $cricket->getElementsByTagName("cricket-system-if")->item(0);
my $cricket_system_storage = $cricket->getElementsByTagName("cricket-system-storage")->item(0);
my $cricket_system_perf = $cricket->getElementsByTagName("cricket-system-perf")->item(0);
# network/targets
my $pingloss = $cricket_network->getAttribute('pingloss');
my $pingtime = $cricket_network->getAttribute('pingtime');
my $file_network_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/network/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
target-type = stat-pinginfo
monitor-thresholds =
"ds-Loss : value :$pingloss: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%,
ds-TimeAvg : value :$pingtime: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%"
#target Beijing
# server =
# ping-from = link1
# monitor-thresholds = ""
#for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
# my $host = $hosts->item($i);
# my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
# $file_network_targets->print("target $hostname\n") if $hostname ne 'manager';
# stat-5min/targets
my $file_stat_5min_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/stat-5min/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target money-level
server = database
servicename = gamedbd
short-desc = "Money and Level statistic for online users."
target-type = stat-moneylevel
target sum
server = database
servicename = gamedbd
short-desc = "Sum Money and Materials for all users."
target-type = stat-sum
target trade
server = database
servicename = gamedbd
short-desc = "Trade Money and Materials for all users."
target-type = stat-trade
target inc
server = database
servicename = gamedbd
short-desc = "Inc Money and Materials for all users."
target-type = stat-inc
for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
next if( $host->getAttribute('group') ne 'link' );
my $no = $hostname;
$no =~ s/link//g;
target $hostname-poll
server = $hostname
servicename = glinkd-$no
short-desc = "Poll Times per second."
object = Poll
order-sel = %order-sum%
unit = "polls/sec"
target-type = stat-general
# stat-5min/protocol/targets
my $max_onlineusers = $cricket_protocol->getAttribute('max-onlineusers');
my $link_max_onlineusers = $cricket_protocol->getAttribute('link-max-onlineusers');
my $file_stat_5min_protocol_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/stat-5min/protocol/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
short-desc = "Syslog Stat-information."
target-type = stat-protocols
min-onlineusers = n
max-onlineusers = $max_onlineusers
monitor-thresholds =
"ds-OnlineUsers : value :%min-onlineusers%:%max-onlineusers%: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%,
ds-TaskQueueSize : value :n:1000: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%"
target database
servicename = gamedbd
target delivery
servicename = gdeliveryd
for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
next if $host->getAttribute('group') ne 'link';
my $no = $hostname;
$no =~ s/link//g;
target $hostname
max-onlineusers = $link_max_onlineusers
servicename = glinkd-$no
# system/if/targets
my $ifInOctets_warn = $cricket_system_if->getAttribute('ifInOctets-warn') . '::';
my $ifOutOctets_warn = $cricket_system_if->getAttribute('ifOutOctets-warn') . '::';
my $ifInErrors_warn = $cricket_system_if->getAttribute('ifInErrors-warn') . '::ifInUcastPkts:';
my $ifOutErrors_warn = $cricket_system_if->getAttribute('ifOutErrors-warn') . '::ifOutUcastPkts:';
my $file_system_if_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/system/if/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
inst = map(interface-name)
interface-name = eth0
target-type = system-if
monitor-thresholds =
"ifInOctets : quotient :>$ifInOctets_warn%sysif-max-octets%: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%,
ifOutOctets : quotient :>$ifOutOctets_warn%sysif-max-octets%: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%,
ifInErrors : quotient :>$ifInErrors_warn MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%,
ifOutErrors : quotient :>$ifOutErrors_warn MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%"
for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
$file_system_if_targets->print("target $hostname\n");
if( $host->getAttribute('group') eq 'link' )
target $hostname-eth1
server = $hostname
interface-name = eth1
target $hostname-eth1-2
server = $hostname
interface-name = eth1
target-type = system-if2
monitor-thresholds = ""
if( $host->getAttribute('group') eq 'backup' )
target $hostname-eth1
server = $hostname
interface-name = eth1
if( $host->getAttribute('group') eq 'delivery' )
target $hostname-eth1
server = $hostname
interface-name = eth1
# system/iostat/targets
my $file_system_iostat_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/system/iostat/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
inst = %instsda%
target-type = system-iostat-linux
for ($cricket_system_storage->getChildNodes)
next unless $_->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
my $storage_name = $_->getAttribute('name');
my $storage_dev = $_->getAttribute('dev');
my $storage_mount = $_->getAttribute('mount');
my $storage_server = $_->getAttribute('server');
$storage_server = $storage_name if not $storage_server;
target $storage_name
server = $storage_server
inst = \%inst$storage_dev%
# system/link/targets
my $file_system_link_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/system/link/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
inst = map(interface-name)
interface-name = eth0
target-type = system-link
monitor-thresholds = ""
for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
next if $host->getAttribute('group') ne 'link';
target $hostname
interface-name = eth1
# system/perf/targets
my $ssCpuIdle = $cricket_system_perf->getAttribute('ssCpuIdle');
my $laLoad5min = $cricket_system_perf->getAttribute('laLoad5min');
my $file_system_perf_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/system/perf/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
target-type = system-perf
monitor-thresholds =
"ssCpuIdle : value :$ssCpuIdle: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%,
laLoad5min : value :$laLoad5min: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%"
# memAvailReal : quotient :<5pct::memTotalReal: MAIL : %mail-pgm% : %mail-receiver%,
for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
$file_system_perf_targets->print("target $hostname\n");
# system/proc/targets
my $file_system_proc_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/system/proc/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
target-type = system-proc
for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
my $group = $host->getAttribute('group');
my $proc;
$proc = 'gamedbd' if $group eq 'database';
$proc = 'gfaction' if $group eq 'faction';
$proc = 'gdeliveryd' if $group eq 'delivery';
$proc = 'glinkd' if $group eq 'link';
$proc = 'gs' if $group eq 'game';
next if not $proc;
target $hostname
inst = \%inst$proc%
# system/storage/targets
my $file_system_storage_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/system/storage/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
inst = map(hr-storage-descr)
hr-storage-descr = /
target-type = system-storage
for ($cricket_system_storage->getChildNodes)
next unless $_->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE;
my $storage_name = $_->getAttribute('name');
my $storage_dev = $_->getAttribute('dev');
my $storage_mount = $_->getAttribute('mount');
my $storage_server = $_->getAttribute('server');
$storage_server = $storage_name if not $storage_server;
target $storage_name
server = $storage_server
hr-storage-descr = $storage_mount
# system/uptime/targets
my $file_system_uptime_targets = new IO::File("./$cricket_root/cricket/cricket-config/system/uptime/targets", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
target --default--
target-type = system-uptime
for( $i = 0; $i < $hosts->getLength; $i ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($i);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
$file_system_uptime_targets->print("target $hostname\n");
mkdir( "./$install_root" );
system( "chown cricket.cricket -R ./$cricket_root" );
chdir( "./$cricket_root" );
system( "tar cvzf ../$install_root/$release_name-cricket.tar.gz cricket" );
chdir( ".." );
sub mkfulldir
my ($root, $dir) = @_;
my $subdir;
foreach (split(/\//, $dir))
$subdir .= "/$_";
mkdir( $root . $subdir );
sub copyfile_replacestr
my ($filenamesrc, $filenamedest, $src, $dest) = @_;
if( not -f $filenamesrc )
print "warning copyfile_replacestr: $filenamesrc not exists!\n";
return undef;
my $filesrc = new FileHandle;
my $filedest = new FileHandle;
my $success;
my $count = 0;
if( $filedest->open( ">$filenamedest" ) )
if( $filesrc->open( "<$filenamesrc" ) )
my $line;
while( $line = $filesrc->getline() )
$count += ($line =~ s/$src/$dest/g);
$filedest->print( $line );
$success = 1;
return $success ? $count : undef;
sub do_mkdirs
my ($mkdirs, $root) = @_;
for( my $i = 0; $i < $mkdirs->getLength; $i ++ )
mkfulldir( $root, $mkdirs->item($i)->getAttribute('dir') );
sub do_copyfile
my ($files, $network, $root) = @_;
for( my $j = 0; $j < $files->getLength; $j ++ )
my $file = $files->item($j);
my $src = $file->getAttribute('src');
my $dest = $file->getAttribute('dest');
my $allhost = $file->getAttribute('allhost');
my $cricketcron = $file->getAttribute('cricketcron');
my $destdir = $dest;
$destdir =~ s/\/[^\/]+$/\//g;
if( not -f $src and not -d $src )
print "warning copy file: $src not exists!\n";
mkfulldir( $root, $destdir );
system( "cp -rf $src ./$root/$dest" );
if( $allhost eq 'true' )
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
for( my $l = 0; $l < $hosts->getLength; $l ++ )
my $mount = $hosts->item($l)->getAttribute('mount');
mkfulldir( $root, "$mount/$destdir" );
system( "cp -rf $src ./$root/$mount/$dest" );
if( $cricketcron eq 'true' )
my $hosts = $network->getElementsByTagName("host");
for( my $h = 0; $h < $hosts->getLength; $h ++ )
my $host = $hosts->item($h);
my $hostname = $host->getAttribute('HOSTNAME');
next if $hostname eq 'manager';
system( "echo \"*/5 * * * * \\\$HOME/bin/pingstat $hostname\" >> ./$root/$dest" );
sub do_replacefile
my ($replaces, $root) = @_;
for( my $k = 0; $k < $replaces->getLength; $k ++ )
my $replace = $replaces->item($k);
my $file = $replace->getAttribute('file');
my $src = $replace->getAttribute('src');
my $dest = $replace->getAttribute('dest');
if( copyfile_replacestr( "./$root/$file", "./.package.tmp", $src, $dest ) )
system( "cp -rf ./.package.tmp ./$root/$file" );
unlink './.package.tmp';
sub do_game
my ($game,$network) = @_;
system( "rm -rf ./$game_root" );
mkdir( "./$game_root" );
return if not $game;
my $mkdirs = $game->getElementsByTagName('mkdir');
do_mkdirs($mkdirs, $game_root) if $mkdirs;
my $files = $game->getElementsByTagName('file');
do_copyfile( $files, $network, $game_root ) if $files;
my $replaces = $game->getElementsByTagName('replace');
do_replacefile( $replaces, $game_root ) if $replaces;
my $version = $game->getAttribute('version');
my $release = $game->getAttribute('release');
mkdir( "./$install_root" );
chdir( "./$game_root" );
system( "tar cvzf ../$install_root/$release_name-$version-$release.tar.gz ." );
chdir( ".." );
sub do_gamerpm
my ($game) = @_;
return if not $game;
my $version = $game->getAttribute('version');
my $release = $game->getAttribute('release');
mkdir( "./$install_root" );
my $file_spec = new IO::File("./$install_root/$release_name-$version-$release.spec", O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY|O_CREAT);
Name: $release_name
Summary: world2 for Linux
Group: Amusements/Games
License: Commerical
Vendor: world2.com.cn
Packager: Zhenyu Sun
Source0: %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.tar.gz
BuildRoot: %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}
The Perfect World, 3D Game Server For Unix/Linux.
mkdir -p \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
tar xzvf %{SOURCE0} -C \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
rm -rf \$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.tar.gz
system( "cp -f ./$install_root/$release_name-$version-$release.tar.gz /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/" );
system( "rpmbuild -bb ./$install_root/$release_name-$version-$release.spec" );
system( "cp /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/i386/$release_name-$version-$release.i386.rpm ./$install_root/" );
Внутри версии *.data такие:
- elements.data -ver 10 (RU)
- tasks.data - ver 55 (CN)
- elements.data -ver 12
- tasks.data - ver 56
type = udp
port = 11100
address =
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 1048576
accumulate = 1048576
type = tcp
port = 11101
address =
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 1048576
accumulate = 1048576
;set accounting interval,unit is second
account_interval = 600
;set delrole interval,unit is second
delrole_interval = 60
;set check forbidlogin user's map interval,unit is second
checkforbidlogin_interval = 60
zondname = zone1
max_player_num = 6000
type = tcp
port = 29100
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10
accumulate = 1048576
mtrace = /tmp/m_trace.link
table_name = filters
name_charset = GB2312
table_charset = GBK
type = tcp
port = 29200
address = authserver
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 131072
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 131072
isec = 2
iseckey = authiseckey
osec = 2
oseckey = authoseckey
shared_key = authsharedkey
id = 0
type = tcp
port = 29300
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29401
address = uniquenameserverip
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
isec = 2
iseckey = unameiseckey
osec = 2
oseckey = unameoseckey
type = tcp
port = 29400
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29702
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1638400
obuffermax = 1638400
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29500
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1638400
obuffermax = 1638400
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
threads = (1,3)(100,1)(101,1)(0,1)
max_queuesize = 1048576
prior_strict = 1
type = udp
port = 11100
address =
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 1048576
accumulate = 1048576
type = tcp
port = 11101
address =
so_sndbuf = 16384
so_rcvbuf = 16384
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 1048576
accumulate = 1048576
type = tcp
port = 29500
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10
accumulate = 1048576
sender_interval = 100000
accumu_packets = 4000
mtrace = /tmp/m_trace.link
table_name = filters
name_charset = GB2312
table_charset = GBK
;isec = 2
;iseckey = 123
;osec = 2
;oseckey = 456
id = 101
type = tcp
port = 29600
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 1048576
;isec = 2
;iseckey = 123
;osec = 2
;oseckey = 456
type = tcp
port = 29401
address = uniquenameserverip
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
isec = 2
iseckey = unameiseckey
osec = 2
oseckey = unameoseckey
type = tcp
port = 29400
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
;so_broadcast = 1
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 1048576
;isec = 2
;iseckey = 123
;osec = 2
;oseckey = 456
threads = (0,1)(1,4)(100,1)(101,1)
max_queuesize = 1048576
prior_strict = 0
type = tcp
port = 29000
address = linkip1
so_sndbuf = 12288
so_rcvbuf = 12288
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 65536
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10
accumulate = 131072
max_users = 3000
halflogin_users = 6000
sender_interval = 200000
accumu_packets = 32768
mtrace = /tmp/m_trace.link
compress = 0
close_discard = 1
urgency_support = 1
type = tcp
port = 29000
address = linkip2
so_sndbuf = 12288
so_rcvbuf = 12288
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 65536
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10
accumulate = 131072
max_users = 3000
halflogin_users = 6000
sender_interval = 200000
accumu_packets = 32768
mtrace = /tmp/m_trace.link
compress = 0
close_discard = 1
urgency_support = 1
type = tcp
port = 29000
address = linkip3
so_sndbuf = 12288
so_rcvbuf = 12288
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 65536
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10
accumulate = 131072
max_users = 3000
halflogin_users = 6000
sender_interval = 200000
accumu_packets = 32768
mtrace = /tmp/m_trace.link
compress = 0
close_discard = 1
urgency_support = 1
type = tcp
port = 29000
address = linkip4
so_sndbuf = 12288
so_rcvbuf = 12288
ibuffermax = 16384
obuffermax = 65536
tcp_nodelay = 0
listen_backlog = 10
accumulate = 131072
max_users = 3000
halflogin_users = 6000
sender_interval = 200000
accumu_packets = 32768
mtrace = /tmp/m_trace.link
compress = 0
close_discard = 1
urgency_support = 1
type = tcp
port = 29100
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29301
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29302
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29303
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29304
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1048576
obuffermax = 1048576
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = tcp
port = 29500
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 1638400
obuffermax = 1638400
tcp_nodelay = 0
accumulate = 268435456
type = udp
port = 11100
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 65536
obuffermax = 1048576
accumulate = 1048576
type = tcp
port = 11101
address =
so_sndbuf = 65536
so_rcvbuf = 65536
ibuffermax = 65536
obuffermax = 1048576
accumulate = 1048576
threads = (1,3)(100,1)(101,1)(0,1)
max_queuesize = 1048576
prior_strict = 1
На этом все.
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