Hi nimdaScammer / liar... etc
i'm not reseller, you should know i'm not even buying softwares else from rody and steve langley.Бола это бразилец, который занимается реселером услуг и программ. Он купит за 5 центов, а продаст за 5$ . Это мнение из моего опыта, так что пруфов не будет. Хотите этой теме верьте, хотите не верьте.
You are a liar! You boughtfix(~700-800$ if have a proof) a compilation fixed build or a finished project 1.5.2 (client on angelica ~2.1 (fixed gfxHeaders SDK 2.0). Why are you showing me this video? Your project is based on the Steve Langley sources fix!i'm not reseller, you should know i'm not even buying softwares else from rody and steve langley.
if i need something, i just have to write code and create, reasons that you will never see clients with some of features i've been creating on my custom client project.
what's the point if i coworked with steve on source code, in initial project, steve was trying to compile client over angelica 2.2, even being compiled, client got many issues, i hint to him the properly version, and helped along the work, helped on memory leaks, helped on testing, and even fixed a little thing or other, so the reason we have a stable 152 compilation today, is because we worked together in this solution, steve wouldnt find all the issues of client alone, and i wasnt able to compile without the steve knowledge which is larger than any actual user working around perfect world, just gtfo, stop being dumb talking about something you don't know.You are a liar! You boughtfix(~700-800$ if have a proof) a compilation fixed build or a finished project 1.5.2 (client on angelica ~2.1 (fixed gfxHeaders SDK 2.0). Why are you showing me this video? Your project is based on the Steve Langley sources fix!
I know bczstop being dumb talking about something you don't know
we paid him because of his work, as we paid for map editor, and for other resources that he provides along the time.I know bcz
I have one question to the point. Did you pay him money to buy the fixed project152? No need to drive your nose, Bola!
Everyone here is smarter then you arewe paid him because of his work, as we paid for map editor, and for other resources that he provides along the time.
i have to reaffirm this, steve is smarter than any other person in this forum, he's so skilled that i doubt if someday i'll have the same knowledge as him, but whats the point of discussing if i paid him for his work, in the end, we cooperate to fix all the issues of client, and we still cooperate on development of map editor since we heavily modifies the game map, we have a lot of feedback for bugs that could occurr during map edition.
although we worked to get 152 stable, none of our exclusive features were done by steve, you can ask him by yourself if you want.
i could list everything i have already written in the code, but i'll be losing my time talking to a loser.
Everyone here is smarter then you areAnd just because my program is packed so you can steal content...doesn't mean is a virus/trojan... and further more ragezone is well known to be the hive of a favoritism and a money hungry admin. So you can suck my dick along with that blonde whore mental.
And last thing what did you ever share/give for free???
Why are your programs made based on my JAVA source?
Why do you say you can do hex editing when you can't and then ask me to chargback you and wait for paypal decision in stead of just refund?
You are less then nothing brogo get a life.
Here part of my editor source code is located here:
x5qubits/PWDataEditor you can look for trojans all my editors are either converted from C++ and upgraded or my inventions.
never asked help to make same gender marriage to anyone, also i don't even need offsets for that since i've written guide to make this based on released source codes, both for client and server.Думаю материться нельзя, но я тут давненько надеюсь простят
Бола конечно клоун которых мир повидал, какие-то вонючие разрабокти выдает за свои
Чел как-то в личке спросил как сделать однополые браки, я ему дал адреса и что поменять, так этот клоун выкатил тему на соседнем форуме(там больной дед админит, форум в представлении не нуждается)
ofc you have the same variable names as I do because 90% part of the source code is from iweb and part the rest is my code.your program is based in my java source code XD
you didnt even renamed the variable names or classes name, just arranged package name.
will you tell me this is not copy of my work ? not a single line ?
or this gamesocket implemention that has variables that i named myself like encoderpc.
dude, even if this is some old stuff from me, when i was in college learning how to code, you have no right to this code, i shared with you only for learning purpose, not copy or reproduce it like you have done, discrediting my work with rpc protocols over java language.
and the more funny, i can go even further and show you a video recorded before you even compile your pwadmin bullshit app.
[MEDIA = youtube] 9sZVlwBnjgw [/ MEDIA]
24, september 2015.
and this is the date of your application with my source code inside it.
now i really want you to show me some piece of my work with your code, just go on and show me something.
you really spend some time changing headers titles XD.
also the date of my video is enough proof of you just using my code inside your project.
even with all other code you have written around it, doenst change the fact you grabbed classes that i've written, just stolen and signed your name dude.
no way to reverse class at same state of code without any line different from original piece of code.
since i just give to you my pwcore project, you just grab what matters to you and renamed everything, you stupid scammer.
and look what i found XD, in 2017 you say don't use this files anymore, but now you publish a Battle Royale code with my classes inside the project again.