Редактор карт игры Perfect World с возможность сохранения (гео) *.bht
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Файлы были взяты с простор интернета.
Прогрмма отличная, но прожерливая в плане ресурсов системы.
Есть еще более новая версия, но на сколько извенстно автор не продает.
V1.2.2 Release
* - FIX: Add dialog
V1.2.1 Release
* - FIX: Collision Data Correction
* - Water rendering (only visual display)
V1.2.0 Release
* - Added Editing Trees support
- Add/Remove/Move for SpeedTree trees. There is no rotate function as there is nowhere in the game files to support a rotation.
* - Rendering Optimizations
* - Desktop Icon Added to installation
* - Removed JWrapper dependency
* - Ether Saga Mode Added
* - FIX: first time setup of preferences crashing app. Leaving horizontal and vertial movement speed at 0.
V1.1.1 Release
* - FIX: Object collision hulls sometimes leaving "holes" which player falls through in game client.
V1.1 Release
* - FIX: Collision Box display error after rotating and saving an object
* - FIX: When moving an object, the block references are now modified to accurately fade in/out in client
* - Editor will run in a demo mode until a license has been purchased. Demo mode has limited
function but will demonstrate the capabilities of the editor.
V1.0 Release Ready
* - Added scaling of world objects
* - Added map.bht export
V0.6 Update
* - Resolved client crashing when adding and removing objects
V0.5 Update
* - No longer need to extract pck files. (only tested with PWI pck but should work for JD and FW)
* - Optimized Loading of client files
* - Progress Indicator now shows progress of loading a map
* - Reduced memory usage
* - Now saves all client files to an output folder for easy identification of what changed
* - Added feature to enable/disable the minimap
* - Added slider to adjust how far away to render objects
Known Issues
* - Object collision hulls sometimes leaving "holes" which player falls through in game client. I am working on resolving this issue.
* - FIX: Add dialog
V1.2.1 Release
* - FIX: Collision Data Correction
* - Water rendering (only visual display)
V1.2.0 Release
* - Added Editing Trees support
- Add/Remove/Move for SpeedTree trees. There is no rotate function as there is nowhere in the game files to support a rotation.
* - Rendering Optimizations
* - Desktop Icon Added to installation
* - Removed JWrapper dependency
* - Ether Saga Mode Added
* - FIX: first time setup of preferences crashing app. Leaving horizontal and vertial movement speed at 0.
V1.1.1 Release
* - FIX: Object collision hulls sometimes leaving "holes" which player falls through in game client.
V1.1 Release
* - FIX: Collision Box display error after rotating and saving an object
* - FIX: When moving an object, the block references are now modified to accurately fade in/out in client
* - Editor will run in a demo mode until a license has been purchased. Demo mode has limited
function but will demonstrate the capabilities of the editor.
V1.0 Release Ready
* - Added scaling of world objects
* - Added map.bht export
V0.6 Update
* - Resolved client crashing when adding and removing objects
V0.5 Update
* - No longer need to extract pck files. (only tested with PWI pck but should work for JD and FW)
* - Optimized Loading of client files
* - Progress Indicator now shows progress of loading a map
* - Reduced memory usage
* - Now saves all client files to an output folder for easy identification of what changed
* - Added feature to enable/disable the minimap
* - Added slider to adjust how far away to render objects
Known Issues
* - Object collision hulls sometimes leaving "holes" which player falls through in game client. I am working on resolving this issue.
w,s,a,d keys will move camera around in the usual way
right click drag will reposition the camera without moving
up, down arrow will raise or lower the camera
Edit Instructions
Any files modified are saved to the Output Folder set in the preferences dialog. The editor
will check this folder for new versions of files prior to reading from the element folder.
- After loading a map, click an object to select it. You will find repositioning arrows at the top of the object. Click and drag to reposition the object.
- Hold Ctrl key while an object is selected to change to rotate mode. Click and drag one of the rotate arrows to reposition the object.
- Adjust the slider in the Object window (bottom right) to change the size of the object.
- To remove an object, right click the object while it is selected and choose Delete
- To add
- After moving an object on the map, click the Model Save button in the lower right corner to save the object. Click cancel to revert to the last saved or original file.
- After adding or removing an object, click the Map Save button at the upper left to save the map files. Click cancel to revert the map files to their last saved or original state.
Applying changes to the client & server
- Once all changes are saved click Export map.bht.
- Copy any modified or new litmodels to your game folder for repackaging. Repack your litmodels.pck.
- Copy the maps folder into your element client maps folder
- Copy all map.bht files to your server, restart any affected maps.
w,s,a,d keys will move camera around in the usual way
right click drag will reposition the camera without moving
up, down arrow will raise or lower the camera
Edit Instructions
Any files modified are saved to the Output Folder set in the preferences dialog. The editor
will check this folder for new versions of files prior to reading from the element folder.
- After loading a map, click an object to select it. You will find repositioning arrows at the top of the object. Click and drag to reposition the object.
- Hold Ctrl key while an object is selected to change to rotate mode. Click and drag one of the rotate arrows to reposition the object.
- Adjust the slider in the Object window (bottom right) to change the size of the object.
- To remove an object, right click the object while it is selected and choose Delete
- To add
- After moving an object on the map, click the Model Save button in the lower right corner to save the object. Click cancel to revert to the last saved or original file.
- After adding or removing an object, click the Map Save button at the upper left to save the map files. Click cancel to revert the map files to their last saved or original state.
Applying changes to the client & server
- Once all changes are saved click Export map.bht.
- Copy any modified or new litmodels to your game folder for repackaging. Repack your litmodels.pck.
- Copy the maps folder into your element client maps folder
- Copy all map.bht files to your server, restart any affected maps.
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